scenario. Thanks to Burton Cambell who joined the game, yes was
the only player. Interesting facts about Burton, he has been gaming
only 2 years, hosted a Dr. Who game the night before AND was
in North Korea this he took North and me South.
The inital 3 to 4 turns were figuring out blips from targets. The picture
below is my grand creation.
The blip is the black counter. The counter was made from a popsicle
craft sticks painted. The number reflects an ID. When a blip is detected
it goes to the green side (same number). When visually seen, the
miniature is put on the table. The mini is a 1/600 Yugoslavian vessel
converted to a fishing vessel by PTDockyard.
On the table was 6 fishing vessels, 4 South, 2 North. The North player
elected which trawler was assisting the spy vessel. At turn 4 all minis
were on the table, and me the South player elected to fire first. (what
a troublemaker!).
This pic shows the line of NK vessels with my lonely vessel under gunfire
attack (splashes) and torpedo attack. It didn't last long. My other vessels
were on the other side of the table, too far away to help. Overall I lost
1 vessel with another heavily damaged. The North lost 2 with others damaged.
We had to stop due to time. The spy vessel was fixed last turn but would have
passed by 3 undamaged SK patrol ships, which was its doom. Since I fired
first, I was was also doomed as a captain.
Overall I had fun, so did Burton. I am thinking of running this scenario again
in the future.