I was lucky and made it to ATC convention here in Ohio. I had only an hour
to stay before traveling to work so it was more a recon session. I was
disappointed for a fellow gamer who had a Friday and Saturday game.
First was a 1/6000 General Quarters III Fleet Action Imminent game, the
second was a 1/300 scale Point of Attack 20th Century Piquet rules. Both
had no players sign up. Luckily a friend was at hand to "play". It made me
think what makes a game "non-interesting":
1. Rules?
2. Scale?
3. Period?
4. All the above?
I related to his experience with my last few games pulling teeth for players.
I've sluggishly moved forward with hobby interests. I've cut down to a small
number of interests to pursue that requires $$ and time. One is WW2 air
combat using Kamikaze 1946 by Marty Fenelon. The major difference with
this rule set vs. CY6 is K46 is more grand tactical. Similar in idea to C21 Air
War.The other is WW2 1/600 PT boat warfare using Flaklighter II.
Two conventions are around the corner: Pro or Con and Game Day Ft. Meigs.